
Math Homework Help and Learning Math

This week, I'm all about math.  Lesson plans for teachers.  Games for kids to hone their skills.  Online lessons and videos.  Math interactives.  Homework help.  Interactive glossaries.  And tips for parents and teachers.

So I've assembled a list of websites that covers a spectrum of math subjects at all grade levels.  The authors of these websites use videos, games, written and oral explanations, and lots of practice.

They're great for homeschoolers.  They're a boon to parents who want to dust off a math skill to help their kids with homework.  And they're a lifeline to students who are stumped by a problem.

So take a look at my K-12 Top 12 Math Websites at Squidoo. Readers have added many of their favorite sites to my list. There dozens to choose from. In addition to these sites, which cover a broad range of math skills, there are many more websites that target particular math skills, such as telling time or converting decimals. LearningReviews.com > Math has a more complete listing of sites categorized by the type of math skill.

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