Teachers and homeschool parents often ask me about free software that can be used across the curriculum. There are many software and webware programs that provide lots of options for creativity and productivity at no cost. These programs can be used at home as well as in the classroom.

They help students to collaborate worldwide with other students. There are blogs, wikis, wordprocessors, spreadsheets, presentation and audio-visual production tools that don't cost a dime... far more than I have listed.
So without further ado, take a look at my
K-12 Top 12 Free Webware and Software Sites.
The very versatile Google Earth tops the list. I'm equally enamoured with ePals. I think this award-winning site should be used in every classroom and home school to connect our kids to kids around the world, share cultures, languages, and common concerns. Kids in my classes have learned about the children of Turkey, Germany, Saudi Arabia and Australia. They even collaborated on environmental projects with them.
My K-12 Top 12 is only a short list. I list and describe dozens more on LearningReviews.com > Learning Tools > Software and Webware.
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