
BibMe MLA Citation Generator

BibMe Bibliography Maker
BibMe is a much-praised bibliography maker and it has become my favorite citation generator for kids to use on research papers.  As with other popular citation makers, it can generate MLA, APA, Chicago and Turabian style cites.

So what makes BibMe so special?  For my students, it's the auto-fill feature.  Particularly with younger kids who haven't honed their spelling and typing skills yet, autofill is tremendously helpful in creating a bibliography. 

It's based on BibMe's search feature.  Select book, magazine, newspaper, website, journal or film.  Then provide enough info to narrow down the search.  It works best with books, particularly if you have the ISBN, but my kids have used it successfully with websites and magazine articles too.

As with other citation generators, it creates the cite, then you copy and paste it into your research paper.  If you register on the website, BibMe will save your bibliographies and citations for later use.  This feature would more likely be used by college students than the K-12 set.

Also helpful is their online citation guide, with instructions and examples of how to cite all kinds of sources.  The guide is based on the latest version of the manuals for MLA, APA, Chicago and Turabian styles.

For my helpful free resources for your kids' papers, look at my article on Kids Research Websites.

Using a Bibliography Maker - BibMe from TechHighLibrary on Vimeo.

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