
PBL Social Studies Project Ideas

Please note:  The content on this post has become dated and many of the project links are no longer valid.  Please change your bookmarks and tags to point to my new post with 350 social studies projects at


SLICE Service Learning Toolkit
Building on my previous blog posts of PBL examples of science projects and math projects, today I'll provide some links to websites with social studies project ideas.  Project-based learning in social studies is often integrated with math, science, visual and performing arts and, of course, language arts.

When using these PBL examples to create your own project-based lessons, you may need a PBL lesson planning template.  West Virginia's Department of Education site, Teach 21, has an excellent PBL Template in their PBL Tools.  Look for the WVDE Template for Project Based Learning Design.

** PBL Online requires free registration to see project details.


For a more complete listing of websites with PBL background, advice, lesson plan templates, and assessment and evaluation tools, look at the LearningReviews Project Based Learning directory.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for compiling this list of sites!
