BBC Schools in the United Kingdom hosts this interactive game for KS2, equivalent to grades 2-6 in the U.S. The questions cover knowledge and skills most American students learn in elementary school.
There are 8 levels. You must first help the Questionaut find the path to unlocking the questions, then answer at least five of them correctly to gather enough fuel to get to the next level. Kids may find it more challenging to discover how to get the questions than how to answer them! The scenery at each levels gives students clues to the type of questions that will be asked. Your children can play the game over and over. It asks different questions each time.
The graphics are amazing, the music and sound effects quirky but very fitting. Because this site was designed for children in the United Kingdom, you will notice some small differences in certain areas. Let kids know what they are in advance so they won't be thrown by them when they see them. The British:
- Use the words "revise" and revision" for practice and review.
- Use the word "maths" for math.
- Have some variance in spelling - e.g. favourite vs. favorite.
- Use a monetary system of pounds sterling (£) and pence (p) vice dollars ($) and cents (¢). Sums are still calculated the same way.
There are many free interactive tools available to teachers and parents now to help their children prepare for tests at all grade levels. Some of the interactives are customizable - you provide the material to be studied and choose from a variety of games to help kids prepare. You'll find detailed descriptions of more than two dozen study tools for homework help, in the Homework & Study section of LearningReviews.com
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